Thursday, October 20, 2005

Media Update

Here's some more media. Will someone please comment on this if they care enough to keep having me post these? I mean, I have to find them all anyway, because we need to keep a complete list of media and blog coverage, but do you few, you proud few who read this care to keep up on it?

Plastic the Movie: The guys over at Plastic the Movie (a group of guys in Salt Lake making indie films) were kind enough to put a link to our site on their "Indie Cats" page. So, we certainly appreciate that.

The Chutry Experiment: A good blog mention.

Those are the only two I have for now. (Unless you want to buy stock in our blog on blogshares...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be honest in saying that I was drawn here by the Technorati link, but I'd likely follow the blog if it focused on both the film and on politics/documentary in general.