Sunday, August 14, 2005

Y Intercept

We've been accused of being both educated and reasonable.


y-intercept said...

Please note, I made the "educated and reasonable comment" before you posted the endorsement for Christopher Walken as president.

Although I have to admit that the role of a misguided president who forces the bitter pill of universal health care down the collective gullets of a nation would cap off Walken's career as a premiere actor in the horror genre.

Unknown said...

Well, that's not really an endorsement. I'm still trying to figure out if it's real or not. And the best medicine is always bitter... :)

y-intercept said...

I realized your post wasn't an endorsement. I was just engaged in a little chain yankin'. Walken fan forums seem to think the site is a hoax. Wikipedia has the site listed as a satire site.

Of course, there were quite a few feeler web sites put out before Schwarzeneggar ran for governor. Everyone thought they were jokes. For that matter, I still have hopes that his candidacy was just a joke.

There are lots of xxx for president sites. For example there is a Rice for President site from West Valley City. Rice would be a formidable candidate. I doubt Ms. Rice is endorsing the Utah site.