Saturday, July 09, 2005

This Land is Your Land

On a lighter note, earlier today I had the pleasure of listening to the "Utah County Swillers" rendition of the Woody Guthrie classic "This Land is Your Land", which will play over the epilogue of TDS. Gritty, furious, brutally honest and a bit ironic, The Swillers do their forefathers proud. Woody, Hank, and Jonny roll in their graves as modern "Counrty" music acts have their Poison meets Whitney Huston power ballads blasted over clear channel radio and monster truck commercials during prime time. It's sad to see the working class roots of such a great American art form wither and die at the hands of (insert any Country artist you may have heard on the radio today), but hey, what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger?... Right? Can I get an Amen from any lover of good old fashioned Country music? ...And just so we're reminded of all of those who are held back, up front there ought to be a man in black. Rest in peace Johnny.

P.S. Boycott Clear Channel...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn Straight! I love that song!